Natural Cordage:
Hazel Bark
It has been very stormy here over recent weeks. It has not stopped raining since before Christmas!
Many trees have fallen to the power of the wind. Whilst walking I came across one of these. A Hazel about 20 years since it's last coppicing. So it was sizeable. I wondered about the quality and uses for the bark and quickly made a bark stripping device to take some of this valuable resource home. (A bark stripping device is a spatula shaped piece of wood.)
I did sit next to the tree and make a little string and left it there. This was far more of a success than I thought it would be.
The bark comes off fairly easily in strips not really wide enough to make large boxes. I am sure it could make tubular containers though.
I proudly carried my bark strips home and sat in the hallway splitting the bark and removing the stiff outer bark to get to the more flexible under bark. I then manipulated it to make it softer to work with and then twisted it into to cord in the usual way.
It will take more practice to make a good strong cord but there is a lot of potential.
Cord made from the inner bark of the Hazel tree.
It is not as strong as commercial rope the same thickness but it is very serviceable. But, with more attempts I am sure I will improve. I will try to get some bark later in the year when it will be wetter.
Spurred by this success I made a small box from some bark sewing it together with strips of the inner bark.
The tiny box.